Pondering Clarion

Clarion is one of the most widely known and respected writing workshops in the country. Each year, they accept a handful of writers for six weeks of intense work. Someone once said that the “six weeks of Clarion are the literary equivalent of boot camp.” I would believe it, judging by the comments I’ve heard from members of the group

The process is fairly straightforward. Send in an application with two complete short stories by April 1st, 2003. If accepted, there is a $100 enrollment fee to hold your spot, and the balance of the $1059 fee due upon arrival to Clarion. One nice thing is that this counts as four undergraduate credits from MSU.

Sounds easy so far, right? I think so. The actual difficulty, aside from actually being accepted, is getting out of work for six weeks and keeping my job. At the stage we are at, where I’m one half of our entire development team and we each have a seperate and distinct skillset, being unavailable for that long is nearly impossible.

Perhaps going this year is infeasible. Even with six months advanced warning, I’m not sure I could pull it off. Still, I wonder if I should apply to Clarion anyways and deal with the time issue if I actually get accepted.

New Tolkien book discovered

An American scholar, Michael Drout, was researching Anglo-Saxon scholarship and asked to see a copy of Tolkien’s lecture on Beowulf given in 1936. In the box of materials he was brought he discovered four bound volumes at the bottom of the box.

“I started looking through, and realised I had found an entire book of material that had never seen the light of day. As I turned the page, there was Tolkien’s fingerprint in a smudge of ink.”

During the summer of 2003, Tolkien’s translation of Beowulf, which is thought to have inspired the Lord of the Rings, will be published, along with the his line-by-line interpretation of it’s meaning.

More can be found in this article on C|Net News Australia.

Ironically, I’ve always wanted to read Beowulf, but I’ve had a hard time finding a copy at local bookstores. With Tolkien’s name on this translation, I suspect I won’t have any difficulties finding a copy.

Holiday Entr’acte

Christmas last week, and new years this week. This weekend would have been a nice resting period, but we had one emergency come up and family came into town.

Saturday afternoon was spent driving around looking for an optometrist. Dena was cleaning her glasses friday night when the frames split down the center. It wasn’t her fault. Upon closer inspection, I suspect there was a flaw in the frames. The break was completely even. It had been a few years since her last eye exam, plus her normal doctor wasn’t open. We finally found a Pearl Vision Center open that had a doctor available. After a thorough exam, we trecked to the mall (the on-site lab was closed for the day) and luckily found another Pearl Vision Center. After a few hours of walking around the mall, the lab finished up with Dena’s glasses and we went home for some much-needed rest.

Today was spent with Dena’s family. Her uncle and his new wife took the train in from Vermont and are visiting for a week. We had lots of fun. We played a domino game called ‘chicken foot’. I won resoundingly, and I didn’t even cheat.

Throughout the weekend I’ve been dealing with work-related problems. So much for so-called ‘managed services’. We have two companies that we outsource some services to. One or both of them are having issues this weekend, and neither of their ’24/7′ helpdesks seem to be manned.

Now, the weekend is almost over. I’m utterly exhausted. I did managed to sneak in a little writing, but otherwise I don’t feel like I accomplished much this weekend. At the very least, my nights over the next few weeks will be busy with catching up on contract work that slipped behind with the holidays. My lunchtime writing sessions are paying off, and I’m almost ready to hand over a draft to Dena. I should probably stumble to bed soon. My mind is kind of rambling, sort of like this entry.


The time for making resolutions for the new year is almost at hand. I’ve been giving the act of making resolutions a lot of thought lately. It seems to me that people tend to make grandiose and unattainable goals for themselves, only to suffer disappointment at their failure to meet their objective. That’s not the way I want to live.

In my mind, making a new years resolution is a good thing, if done in the proper context. Short-term goals (as I consider these) should be realistic. Saying that you will lose fifty pounds is unrealistic. Saying that you will drastically change your life is unrealistic. They can be accomplished, but not in the short-term.

I’m all about setting goals for myself. I do it all the time. I don’t always succeed in them, but I never give up on them. I try to make them as realistic as possible. For example, the goal I set for myself in the middle of last year was to have two short stories in circulation. I managed to submit one story, and I have a second that is close, but not quite ready. I partially achieved my goal, and I’m satisfied with that, because I made a consistent effort.

This next year will be more of the same. Writing is at the top of my list. On January first I will reset my yearly story statistics, and begin anew. With that fresh start, I will keep writing and submitting stories, not looking back at the previous year’s successes and failures. Life is about looking forward, not backward.

Merry Christmas

We’re back from a long day of celebrating the holiday with family. A good time was had by all. Dena made me the coolest flannel quilt and got me a DVD writer for my computer. Don’t forget lots of books from friends and family (see my current reading list), tools, DVDs, etc. It was a good year.

Hopefully everyone else has had a good holiday with their friends and family. The best thing about the holidays is spending time with those close to you.

A funny thing happened on the way to the appliance store…

…or a funny thing happened to the appliance store on the way to my house. We bought a nice Sony 65″ widescreen last week as a christmas present to ourselves (and to replace our dying television). Delivery was scheduled for Sunday December 22nd (yesterday). They were supposed to call between 6 and 7am to give us a delivery window. Six became seven, seven became eight, eight became nine. The store opened at nine, so I called to find out what was going on. I was told to call a different store (where the warehouse was located). I called, was put on hold, then told to call back the original store where I purchased the tv and and talk to the saleman. I knew the salesman wasn’t there (sundays being one of his days off), so they put me on hold again. Minutes later, they tell me that the store manager will call me back in 10 minutes. Fine, I say. I wait. Ten minutes pass, and no call. By this time, I’m understandably concerned, so I call back, not wanting to wait any longer. I ask for the manager, and the person who picks up the phone tells me that I was told that I was told they would call me back in 10 to 15 minutes, and then silence. I hung up, and waited. I was pissed off.

Twenty minutes later, the phone rings. It’s the manager (different than the one I had previously spoken to). He says, “By now you probably know there’s a problem with your t.v.”. Yeah. He continues and explains what went wrong.

They had three 55″ Sony TV’s and one 65″ Sony TV in stock. They sold all four. Someone mistakenly delivered the only 65″ Sony TV to someone who had bought a 55″ Sony TV (all delivered on the same day). Apparently no one called to tell them they received the wrong TV, so they didn’t have my TV any more.

By this time, I’m smoking mad. I’m ready to cancel my check and tell all my friends about it. Then the manager does something that that makes me take back all of the bad things I had thought about his company. He doesn’t want to ruin anyones Christmas, so he makes me an offer. To replace my now out of stock TV, they will give me a massively upgraded Hitachi 65XWX20B. Same size as the Sony we had picked out, but with much more advanced features. When I did my shopping, Hitachi was recommended hands-down as the best widescreen projection system available, and this is their top of the line. HDTV receiver built-in, lots of expandability, and lots of other cool yet-to-be-understood features. I accepted their offer, and he had it on the next truck leaving the warehouse. They arrived that afternoon. Now, coupled with a new stereo receiver, we have achieved multimedia bliss.


I’m trying really hard to stay motivated at work today, but it’s just not working. A little less than two hours left in the day and my eyes are glued to the clock. I’ve got writers group tonight, and I’ll have a little bit of free time beforehand to do some christmas shopping.

Time flies when you’re busy. Only 10 minutes left at work. I helped setup another MoveableType install for Annie over at LEAF. It’s her first time using MT, but I think she’ll get the hang of it quickly.

Off to shop and meet with the group. Hopefully the crowds aren’t bad.

Hump Day

Well, the work week is half way over and what a good week it’s been so far.

Tuesday I finished the first draft of “Temperament”, a fantasy short story. Tomorrow I’ll start doing cleanup and edits. Hopefully I’ll have a solid draft ready for group in a few weeks.

This morning we went to see the 12:01am showing of The Two Towers. I try to go into movies, especially ones of this magnitude, with few expectations. I accept that the director can and will take some dramatic license and I want to still try and enjoy the story being told. That said, Peter Jackson did an excellent job (again). It was completely enjoyable. I found myself sitting in a dark theatre at 3:15am and saying “again, again!”.

Work was nice enough to give me the day off. I managed to sleep in a whole two hours. We went out this afternoon and did some shopping. We’ve been wanting to get a new television, and the picture tube in ours is starting to go. We spent several weeks shopping around, and finally bought one today. A 65″ widescreen made by Sony. It will be delivered Sunday. It’s going to be a moment of multimedia bilss. I can’t wait.

Countdown to the Two Towers

Only a few short days until the widespread release of The Two Towers and i’m as giddy as a school girl (ok, not really, but almost). We have our tickets to the midnight showing tomorrow night (technically Wednesday, even though the tickets say Tuesday). Hopefully they’ll let everyone wait inside like they did last year. It’s going to be cold, and possibly wet. My boss was even nice enough to tell me to take the whole day off Wednesday, instead of just coming in late. It’s nice when hard work pays off, even for things like this.