
I was sitting in the caffeteria of the College of Dupage waiting for group to start and checking my email via the wonders of my Sprint PCS phone plugged into my laptop. I was surprised to see what is possibly the fastest rejection I’ve received so far, Andromeda Spaceways rejecting Shaken, not Stirred. Quick, but helpful. Along with the let-down they included notes from the readers. I don’t know how consistently e-zines are able to respond with comments, but it’s sure nice for a fledgling like myself. All readers are different, but now I know how a few objective ones reacted to this. That gives me a better sense of the direction I need to go in order to appeal to their tastes.

Last stop for this story is Planet Relish. If it gets bounced from there, I will probably drop it in a drawer for a little while. Once I get some active projects out of the way I’ll return to it, revising it with some of the readers criticisms in mind, and try to find a few more markets to peddle it to.

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